
Nutrition & Exercise

The most effective way to guard against health problems is to take excellent care of your body every day. Proper diet and sufficient exercise are shown to offer multiple health benefits, and only you can decide to make good choices in these areas. A healthy lifestyle is easier than you think. Just make one positive lifestyle change at a time, and maintain them as you go. Your physician at Women's Medical Center, P.C. can offer suggestions and guidance, and you can find more information at:

  • WebMD.cont: Women's Health—Healthy Eating
  • WebMD.cont: Women's Health—Get Fit
  • WomensHealth.gov: Staying Active and Eating Healthy


Even among women who make a conscious effort to eat a healthy, balanced diet, vitamin supplements can be helpful for getting key nutrients which are essential to good health. Vitamin supplements are especially important for women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant. Some of the important vitamins and nutrients you should be getting are found in the link below:

Depression, Stress and other Mental Health Concerns

Changes in physical health and life events can impact a woman's mental health, as well. Even happy events, like the birth of a child, can cause stress and hormonal fluctuations which lead to symptoms of depression. Your doctor can help you by talking with you about all of these factors and offering suggestions for managing or treating these symptoms. Don't think that you're alone—one in four women will experience a depressive episode at sometime in their lives. Get the help that you need to feel your best. You can learn more at:


Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a condition which affects approximately one third of women of childbearing age. PMS symptoms occur in the days just before a menstrual period and can be both physical and psychological in nature. Some common symptoms include: bloating, headaches, breast tenderness, irritability or mood swings and tearfulness. Your doctor at Women's Medical Center, P.C. can diagnose this condition and offer treatment options if needed.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) has symptoms which overlap with those of PMS, but is far more severe in nature. Women who suffer with PMDD experience symptoms which interfere with work, relationships and social activities.

Your physician can assess your symptoms and determine if PMDD treatment may be appropriate for your situation. For more information about both conditions, see:

  • Cleveland Clinic: PMS and PMDD

For more information about women's health and wellness topics, the following resources may be helpful:

  • WomensHealth.gov: The Federal Government Source for Women's Health Information
  • OBGYN.net: The Universe of Women's Health
  • HealthyWomen.onz: Informed. Empowered.

For more information on Wellness in the Dothan, AL area call Womens Medical Center at (334) 793-3900 today!

Office Hours


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm